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What to Expect During an HBOT Session: All Your Questions Answered!

Have you been prescribed hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and are curious about what to expect during the HBOT Session?  This non-invasive treatment, delivered in a pressurized chamber, can feel intimidating if you don't know what to anticipate.  

But fear not!  This blog post will be your guide, walking you through everything from pre-treatment prep to what happens inside the chamber itself.  Get ready to breathe easy and learn what to expect during your Hyperbaric oxygen therapy process!

Preparation for chamber

What happens during HBOT Session?

During HBOT, patients breathe 100% oxygen while being subjected to increased atmospheric pressure. This pressurized environment stimulates the body's natural healing mechanisms. The therapy helps in the growth of new blood vessels, enhances wound healing, and fights infections by promoting better oxygen delivery to tissues. 

HBOT Treatment Procedure

Preparation and Entry

Before entering the chamber, patients are advised to shower and avoid applying any lotions, makeup, hair products, or perfume/cologne. This ensures the environment within the chamber remains safe and free from potential contaminants that could cause sparks or static.

From pain to power

Inside the Chamber

Upon entering the chamber, patients will experience a gradual pressurization. This phase generally lasts about 10-15 minutes. As the pressure increases, a "fullness" or pressure buildup in the ears is common, similar to the sensation experienced during a flight or diving underwater. 

A technician will guide you on how to relieve this pressure using techniques like swallowing, taking sips of water, or performing the Valsalva maneuver (pinching your nose and gently blowing).

During the Session

Once the chamber reaches the prescribed pressure, the ear pressure sensation will subside, and patients should feel comfortable. The treatment typically lasts about two hours. During this time, you can watch television, listen to music, sleep, or simply relax. 

Communication with the therapist is maintained through a telephone system, allowing you to speak normally and request assistance if needed.


At the end of the session, the pressure is gradually reduced over 10-15 minutes. During this decompression phase, a popping sensation in the ears is normal as the pressure equalizes. This process is generally comfortable and marks the conclusion of the therapy.

Potential Sensations and After-effectsEar Sensations

Ear sensations

While undergoing HBOT, the primary sensation involves ear pressure, which is manageable with the techniques provided by the therapist. Some patients might experience a cracking sensation in their ears between treatments, which can be alleviated similarly. If the cracking persists, it's important to inform the staff..


A few patients report feeling light-headed for a short period following the treatment, but this sensation typically passes quickly, allowing them to resume normal activities.

Rare Side Effects

Though rare, there are potential side effects associated with HBOT, such as lung or ear trauma. These risks are minimized through gradual pressure adjustments and proper coaching on ear-clearing techniques. The detailed risks and benefits will be discussed with you before signing the "Consent for Treatment" form.

Common Questions and Concerns Regarding HBOT Session

Bringing Personal Items

Personal electronic devices and paper are not permitted inside the hyperbaric chamber due to safety concerns. However, you can take a nap, watch TV, or listen to music during the session.


For those with claustrophobia, the possibility of discomfort is discussed before therapy. If you experience severe anxiety inside the chamber, the therapist can bring you out. Glass chambers help reduce the feeling of confinement, and therapists provide strategies to manage anxiety.

Canceling a Session

There are certain conditions under which you should cancel your HBOT session, such as recent ear or eye surgery, sinus or upper respiratory infections, ear infections, or low blood sugar. 

Many implanted devices are HBOT compatible but it must be confirmed by your device manufacturer. Always consult with your facility to verify if you should proceed with the treatment.

Bathroom Needs

Patients are encouraged to use the bathroom before the therapy session.

Eating and Drinking

It's advisable to eat a light meal 1 to 2 hours before your therapy session and avoid carbonated beverages and caffeine for at least four hours beforehand. This helps prevent nausea, which some patients may experience during the session. If vomiting is a concern, inform your therapist, who can provide an emesis container.

HBOT session exprience


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a beneficial treatment for various medical conditions, promoting faster healing and better oxygen delivery to tissues. By understanding the process, sensations, and after-effects, patients can prepare themselves for a comfortable and effective therapy session. Always communicate with your therapist and follow the guidelines to ensure a safe and beneficial HBOT session experience.

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