Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Severe Burns: Burn Healing With HBOT

Burn Healing With HBOT

Discover how the healing properties of oxygen can speed up recovery for those suffering from various types of burns. Each year, it’s estimated that over 480,000 individuals in the United States seek medical treatment for serious burn injuries.

Keep reading to understand more about the tissue damage caused by burns and how Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Severe Burns can aid in the recovery of burn victims.

Burn – Brief Introduction

Burns are painful injuries caused by heat, chemicals, sunlight, electricity, or radiation, leading to damage of the skin tissues.

Most burns occur accidentally, with their severity ranging from minor wounds that can be treated at home to more serious damage affecting the skin, muscles, and bones, requiring professional medical attention.

The extent of a burn’s severity, or degree, is determined by its depth and the area of skin affected, as assessed by a medical professional.

Different Types and Classifications of Burns

Burns are categorized by healthcare providers into different degrees of severity, depending on the extent of skin damage. The higher the degree, the more severe the damage to your skin.

The degrees of burns are:

Burn Healing With HBOT

First Degree Burns

First-degree burns (also known as minor or superficial burns) affect only the outermost layer of skin. They are red and painful but usually don’t blister. A common example is a typical sunburn.

Burn Healing With HBOT

Second Degree Burns

Second-degree burns (or partial thickness burns) impact both the upper and lower layers of skin. These burns are red, swollen, and blistered, and they are quite painful.

Burn Healing With HBOT

Third-degree Burn

Third-degree burns (also known as full thickness burns) destroy all layers of skin and can extend to the underlying bones, muscles, and tendons. In some cases, these burns are classified as fourth-degree. Instead of red, these burns appear black, brown, white, or yellow. They are often painless at the site due to nerve damage, but pain may be felt in surrounding areas.

What are the Typical Causes of Burns?

Burns can occur in various ways, with the most common causes being:

  • Thermal sources like fire, hot liquids, steam, and contact with heated surfaces
  • Exposure to chemicals such as cement, acids, or detergents
  • Radiation therapy used in cancer treatment
  • Electrical injuries
  • Prolonged exposure to intense sunlight (leading to sunburn)
  • Extreme cold weather conditions (resulting in frostbite)

Treatment for Burns 

 After your healthcare provider has accurately classified your burn, a treatment plan will be customized to suit your specific case, taking into account the burn’s cause, severity, your age, and percentage of the body’s surface area affected.

Milder burns can typically be treated with antibiotic ointments and over-the-counter pain relievers, while more severe and extensive burns require specialized care, such as advanced wound management, skin grafts, IV fluid therapy, cosmetic reconstruction, or even Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Severe Burns.

Burn Healing With HBOT

In What Ways Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Severe Burns  Aid Burn Victims?

When used alongside other burn treatments like prescribed topical creams and pain medication, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Severe Burns can be a valuable treatment tool in accelerating and improving the healing process for burn victims.

HBOT is particularly effective for patients with second and third-degree thermal burns, as the 100% oxygen environment significantly promotes new blood vessel and tissue growth while also reducing the risk of infection.

Studies have demonstrated that HBOT benefits burn patients by lowering wound infection rates, improving the success of skin grafts, shortening hospital stays, and minimizing the need for surgery.

Come visit us at Lakeshore Hyperbaric Center – Chicago

Our compassionate team of hyperbaric specialists at Chicago to address any questions you might have before your treatments. Feel free to reach out to us today!